Millions of Americans suffer from dry eyes. Dry eyes can cause contact lenses to feel uncomfortable and even cause vision fluctuations. Dry eye syndrome, also known as ocular surface disease may be caused by lack of tear production, tear quality, infection or inflammation. Symptoms of dry eye syndrome include redness, itching, burning, grittiness, discharge, light sensitivity, fluctuating vision, halos, excessive tearing up, or tired eyes at the end of the day.
If lubricating drops are insufficient, a customized treatment may be effective. There are many options for treating dry eyes such as: blinking exercises, warm compresses, nightly lid wipes, nutritional supplements, ointments, rewetting drops, humidifier use, drinking more water, sleeping mask, prescription medication, procedures and imaging to detect gland dysfunction, and therapies to improve Meibomian gland function. Schedule an appointment today to meet with a doctor about your dry eyes and customize a treatment plan.
The most common cause of dry eyes is excessive evaporation of tears. This is caused by obstruction or malfunction of the Meibomian glands in the eyelids which are responsible for producing the lipid layer of the tears. We have the latest technology to provide therapy for Meibomian gland problems.
Schedule an appointment today to create a customized plan for you to receive these therapies regularly for a period of time to help improve your condition.